Wednesday, March 3, 2010


ou know those
people that make you feel a little less alone? Well, I have an entire group of women in my church growth group that God works through to speak to me and I'm incredibly grateful. We are different in so many ways, but what bonds us is our desire to serve the same God and live out a relationship worth every mountain and valley that we have to pass through. We're doing this church-wide study called Serving the Master and last week's focus was on spiritual gifts. It's amazing to study where my piece of the puzzle makes the most sense and though it is a process, I'm open to where God leads me and excited to fulfill His purpose for my life. God Bless those who wholeheartedly use their gift(s) and those of us currently searching.

For a more in-depth assessment dealing with the following 9 serving gifts (evangelism, prophecy, teaching, exhortation, pastor/shepherd, showing mercy, giving, administration), there is a free online 108 question questionnaire available at

This song is so fitting for those searching days. Enjoy!

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