So, I just finished this incredible study by Margaret Feinberg called the Sacred Echo and it was pretty awesome. It is about how God can speak to us through repetition, but only if we're attentively listening and open to his whispers that echo through his word, wise counsel, or through random conversation. I sooh yearn for God's voice in my life to be the guiding light through every waking moment, thought and action. But because I can get so caught up in this life being about me instead of being about Him, this study was beyond a welcome refreshment. I'd like to continue on with this theme of Sacred Echoes and keep track of the things that God is speaking to me through his whispering echoes.
As I write, the song that has become this season's theme song, "What Do I Know of Holy" is on in the background by Addison Road and I've started to consider it my special song between God and I. In my life, I really feel that God uses songs to speak to me the loudest and when I'm at my most broken points, He reaches me and reminds me of his outstretched arm that is always in a constant embrace over me. So, thank you Lord for the constant reminders of your power, grace, and constant love that cover me always.
As I write, the song that has become this season's theme song, "What Do I Know of Holy" is on in the background by Addison Road and I've started to consider it my special song between God and I. In my life, I really feel that God uses songs to speak to me the loudest and when I'm at my most broken points, He reaches me and reminds me of his outstretched arm that is always in a constant embrace over me. So, thank you Lord for the constant reminders of your power, grace, and constant love that cover me always.
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